Waspada Penipuan.

Hati-hati dengan modus penipuan atau informasi palsu yang mengatasnamakan PT Sarana Industri Utama. Dalam proses penjualan, pelatihan karyawan dan program perusahaan lainnya, kami tidak pernah meminta vendor untuk mentransfer sejumlah uang di muka, baik untuk pembayaran transportasi, akomodasi maupun keperluan lainnya. Apabila ditemukan adanya potensi penipuan tersebut, harap menghubungi kantor pusat PT Sarana Industri Utama (021) 8925 7732 atau email ke info@saranaindustri.com untuk meminta klarifikasi. PT Sarana Industri Utama. 

Focus On Customer Satisfaction

we provide world class advance mining support and service by our professional team

Quality Materials

materials that meet high quality standards to ensure the reliability, durability and safety of the structures being built

Experienced Team

a professional team that has expertise and in-depth knowledge in various aspects of construction, from planning, design, to project implementation.

Professional Team

a group of experts working with a high commitment to integrity, expertise and quality in every aspect of a construction project. The team consists of individuals who not only have deep technical knowledge but also the ability to work effectively
Our Proud

Company Overview

PT Sarana Industri Utama (SIUtama) is a national private company in the form of a Limited Liability Company (PT)

Siutama grows and develops because of the trust of all its Partners and Working Partners which are woven into a network of mutually beneficial cooperation that has been built over time. Armed with experience for company progress, PT. Since it was first established until now, Main Industrial Facilities has continued to work and still has prospects for development in the future.

Need to know more about ?

We are set up in industrial support tools under PT. Sarana Industri Utama

Subsdiary of

Our Catalogue


Description : FUEL ELEMENT

Descriptions :

Outer Diameter : 148 / 148

Inner Diameter : 71 / 71

Length : 453

Filter Paper : 10 Micron (double element)


Description : FUEL ELEMENT

Descriptions :

Outer Diameter : 148 / 148

Inner Diameter : 71 / 71

Length : 453

Filter Paper : 10 Micron (double element no outer)


Description : FUEL ELEMENT

Descriptions :

Outer Diameter : 104 / 104

Inner Diameter : 44 / 44

Length : 1120

Filter Paper : 5 Micron

Clients and Customers

  • Ruko Harapan Indah Sektor Timur Blok BB/06
  • Kel. Pejuang, Kec. Medan Satria, Kota Bekasi, Prov. Larva Barat

Work Hours

© 2024 Sarana Industri Utama